Celestial Cazimi: Mercury Superior Conjunction in Gemini

Mercury sketch by Paul Cezanne (1891)

Celestial Cazimi: Mercury Superior Conjunction in Gemini

Mercury has been reanimated by the Sun today in Gemini. While Mercury was in the heart of the Gemini Sun, I conducted my first ever livestream on my YouTube channel about the current Mercury cycle and how it fits within larger astrological cycles, including the Jupiter and Saturn cycle and the Saturn and Neptune Cycle. You can watch the video here:

If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, please do. I will be doing more videos going forward including livestreams. I’m still getting the hang of this and you’ll need to skip through the first couple of minutes of the video before I start talking because I wasn’t sure if it was streaming at first.

Toward the end I also talk about how the Mercury superior conjunction today is in between the stars that are the horns of the Bull: El Nath and Al Hecka. This further connects the present cazimi today with an initiation into the Mystery found in the sacred heart of the Sun and our own being.

One thought on “Celestial Cazimi: Mercury Superior Conjunction in Gemini

  1. Your “Hermes to the Heart…” was extraordinary!!! My North Node is 0°-1.5° Aries (depending on mean or actual) so appreciate the warnings personally, while recognizing that globally things could be bad. Thanks for your insights and presentation! Best, Pat Mulready

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